Author: Louiza Bruce
Online Safety Weekly Update – 22nd May 2024
With online safety always a concern we subscribe to this excellent site offering advice and support around the latest apps and trends. Great example of its content is a new app that’s surfaced recently. After the demise of Omegle, it’s not taken long for another to spring up! Named Likee App its rated as 12+…
Alternative Provision Market Place Event
We will be attending the Alternative Provision market place event on June 24th at Trowbridge Civic Centre. This is an opportunity for schools, parents and carers to come along and see what opportunities are out there for students. We will be showcasing our provision and explaining what we can offer to support those vulnerable learners…
New Unit
Over the past few months we have been working hard on getting our new premises ready for term 6. We acquired a new unit offering a space to grow and develop our pupils opportunities. We now have dedicated Technology suite, Art therapy space, designated classrooms, a stunning thrive room, dining area, Design technology space and…