Our unique curriculum design ensures it best meets the needs of our students and supports their social and emotional wellbeing.
Our provision map builds on our inclusive and caring ethos and supports a broad range of opportunities, embedding English and Maths into every vocational learning journey we deliver. This enables them to learn in their own unique way by offering enriching opportunities and experiences. Together, these elements provide not just a broad and balanced experience but also a wealth of treasured and enriching experiences for all the young people we mentor.

Whilst we do not teach the national curriculum, SB mentoring has developed a curriculum using the thrive model. This curriculum has been created with the knowledge and guidance of the Thrive practice incorporating a trauma-informed, whole-setting approach to improving the mental health and well-being of our young people whilst embedding the key strands of :
- Leadership
- Right-time
- Reparative
- Relationship
- Environment
This enables us to:
- Appropriately meets pupils’ personal, social, and academic needs
- Enables them to achieve vocational attainment by embedding English & maths within
- Improve pupil motivation, self-confidence, attendance, and engagement with learning
- Provide clearly defined objectives, including the next steps following the alternative provision placement.
Our Offering:
Computer science
Creative technology
Business & Enterprise
Sport & Fitness
Functional Skill English
Life Skills & P.H.S.E.
Functional Skills Maths
ASDAN qualifications