Many of our students are very artistically talented, so this term we are challenging them to try out a slightly different type of art, that can take many different forms: Mosaics.
“mosaic – a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc.”
– Oxford’s English Dictionary
Historically mosaics have often been created from stone and used to decorate buildings, fountains and walls going back as far as 3000 years BCE. Modern mosaics are made from all sorts of materials and are used for decoration or just as an interesting art form.
Our students will get a feel for how to make mosaics using pencils, paper, and other materials before moving on to combining different materials and spending multiple weeks on their mosaic projects.
Over the course of the term they will practice a number of skills that will help them create their art:
Creating artwork from so many different components takes, above all else, patience. They will realise that the amount of time they invest will be reflected in how detailed their mosaics will be and will practice patience and focus to create their masterpieces!
How do you create a picture of something from random items and oddly shaped tiles? Breaking down what they want to create into it’s basic components and then finding the materials and pieces to complete their vision will be a tremendous challenge and will require them to effectively problem-solve.
Something made of so many small pieces needs a lot of attention to detail. What fits the gap in the picture? What materials best represent my vision? How can I create the desired effect?
Our students have already created some awesome work. Stay tuned for the progress on their amazing mosaic projects.