Highlights 15th-19th July

During the last week before the summer holidays there was still lots of fun to be had here at SB!

This week the students had a great time socialising, chatting and -most importantly- becoming the best at Wii Bowling!
Every day this week you could hear laughter and talking coming from the Art and Games Room as table tennis matches were won and new Miis were created for everyone on the Wii (thanks RMB, it looks just like me!).

But not everyone was in holiday mode just yet! Some students worked hard to finish their ongoing projects:

Marion’s tortoise could finally move into his new home that DS and AC have spent a lot of time making.

Herbie the tortoise in his new enclosure

Some students worked hard on their personal coding and games programming projects.

EH’s video game

Another student built on her hair and beauty treatment skills by doing a great job on Lucy’s nails. Hand massage included!

Lucy’s nails done by DR

We finished this week with a fun trip to Lydiard Park, complete with sports, snacks and fun chats!

This week we also said goodbye to a few students that are moving on to new adventures and won’t be joining us in September.
We hope they enjoyed their time at SB and we are so proud of everyone we’ve said goodbye to this week.

After another great week here at SB there’s only one thing left to say:

Have a great summer!