Highlights 8th-12th July

Just because we’re getting to the end of term doesn’t mean the students aren’t still working hard!

It’s been a super creative week at SB! Some students worked hard on making 3D models for their art sessions. They created a lovely range of models and used a variety of different materials to make their visions come to life.

RMBs Barbie shoebox
start of HC’s project

Two students completed their tech projects this week after finishing off, decorating and, of course, testing their amazing, working cardboard electric guitars. I could tell you how cool they turned out but why don’t you have a look for yourself instead:

JH’s cardboard electric guitar

For their Life Skills lessons this week several students had mock interviews for their dream jobs putting all their skills they had learned this term to the test.

“If I had been an employer, I would have given her the job right away!”

Marion about her mock interview with DR

Down in the DT area the students have been hard at work building PCs, programming games and virtual pets and continuing their ASDAN Computing Short Course.

DL building a PC
AF’s microbit pet

With only one week left to the summer holidays it’s been absolutely amazing seeing so many projects being finished or close to finishing.
The students have really impressed us this week with their energy and perseverance so late in the term!

Have a great weekend!