Weekly Highlights

Our students have returned from their Christmas breaks with a fresh spring in their step and plenty of motivation to produce some awesome work.

To start off the new year our students had a think about their goals for this term.
Some of their goals include helping out more at home, being more active, building healthy routines, looking into college applications and taking care of their mental health.

This ties in super well with our PHSE topic for this term, which is all about health and wellbeing!

LC and DS were a great help getting started on designing a sensory wall for our friends over at Positive Pathways. They researched, designed and considered what would make great interactive elements, which colours would look good and also considered the needs of the children that are hopefully going to use it! The prototypes are looking promising!

This term’s art topic is all about mosaics. Our students got started this week creating intricate patterns and thinking about all the different materials they could use to create art.

Computing this term will be all about game design and students started off this week by creating maps and characters and considering what would make an effective and visually appealing game environment.

We’re looking forward to seeing all the amazing things our students will come up with, learn and make this term!