Thanks for a Great Year!

With the winter term coming to an end, it is time to say goodbye to 2024 at SB.

It’s been an eventful year full of fun, learning, friendships, progress, new and returning staff and students, new buildings and machines, new skills and memories.

Here are some new skills, challenges and topics our students conquered in 2024:

As you can see, our students didn’t shy away from anything! We’re so proud of all they have tried and achieved.

But as much fun as we had AT SB, we also had outside of it! This year we took our students to a lot of different places for them to experience a range of activities.
We went swimming, climbing, pumpkin picking, played sports at Lydiard Park, entered a different world at Wake the Tiger, took scenic pictures at Lacock Abbey, admired the decorations at Whitehall, we visited the Scrap Store, explored the area around SB, took a few walks into town and of course visited Beversbrook a lot!

I could give you a selection of all the awesome things we’ve been up to in 2024 but in the end what counts is the things that stick and stay with us. So I asked students and staff what their highlights of the year were. Here are some of their responses:

“The Christmas Fair! That went really well. And of course, meeting you all!”

“AF passing his Maths exams! That was awesome.”

“I really enjoyed the community work! I liked when the students visited the care home, it was really nice to make that connection!”

“Moving into the new building and having a larger space to be able to support the children. Seeing how they’ve embraced this place has been fab.”

“Easy! It was my birthday all the way back in March, when we all went out for a very muddy walk, and Victoria got stuck in the mud!”

“Taking photos of the lambs up Penn Hill in the summer was my favourite! We had so much fun, we were super late for lunch (Sorry!).”

“Joining SB Mentoring.”

 “The trip to Wake the Tiger was awesome!”


“I can’t decide. We did so much.”

After a truly eventful year at SB there really is only one thing left to say.

From all of us here at SB: